
Infoslate #15 - January update

Things are now back in full swing after the silly season and much has been done. An update on progress, state of the game, and some details regarding the upcoming test phase.

2 months ago

Latest Post Infoslate #16 - February update by Kirk Bushell public

Firstly, apologies are in order - this post is a week late!!! Eeep! Let me make it up to you with lots of juicy goodies... by talking about the state of the game, which you can see in a lot more depth in my latest DevLog:

User interface refresh

The game has gone through a massive update to the user interface. This was done for a few reasons, but the main one was that the previous iteration had a lot of problems with presenting a data-rich game. What do I mean by this?

Halcyon Online has many underlying game systems and mechanics that empower players and subsequently their empires and colonies. With so much going on, I think it is of vital importance that players are able to find out what or how something is occurring. Players therefore require access to data that provides a level of transparency rarely seen, such as the various effects that are affecting resource production on a colony. For example, let's say that you notice your construction speed isn't what it should be...not a problem: click the Effects tab on your colony screen and see exactly what is affecting your construction speed:

This is really amazing for players seeking to understand the game at a deep level, but it's also great for me as a game developer: players are able to provide detailed information about the state of their colony in bug reports, rather than me having to try and infer from data and logs what happened at that time, which makes it easier for me to build a stable game! Win-win!!!

Infrastructure update

In the video above, I talk about the updates that have been made to the infrastructure screen, the most awesome of which is the support of orbital maps!!! 🤯 Let me elaborate on what they are.

Orbital and Terrestrial maps

Construction projects can be built on one of two zones in a colony:

  1. on the celestial body, or
  2. orbiting the celestial body.

There are many structures that are built in one of these two zones. Structures that can be built in space, such as the Space Station, Solar Arrays or even defense structures, must be placed on a hex that exists on the orbital map. Orbital maps become available once you've built a launch pad, and the first building you are likely to build is the Space Station, which will open up spacecraft production and other options.

Research update

The game's research features and game mechanics are now well underway, and we're looking to have this completed by the end of this month so that we can get on with Pre-alpha test stage 2, which will include resource production, infrastructure and research features. That is essentially all the game mechanics that make up your empire's first era within the game. Yes, the game is really cooking now! 😁

Our next test phase

So with all that in mind, we're looking at opening up our next test phase by the end of this month. If you have not done so already, and you're willing and able to help test the game, please fill out the following form. In addition, I must point out one thing: I need help with the testing. If you are added to the test phase but do not test the game or provide feedback, I will not invite you back for playtesting in subsequent phases. Please ensure that you are truly willing and able to do so - it saves both my time, and yours, and ensures that others who are willing and able, get a spot in the test phase.

On that note, I will be expanding the total player pool to 20 players for this test phase, in hopes of getting back more feedback about the game.

As for the launch date for this test phase, I will announce that later in the month once I am confident the game is in a testable state, but like the prior test phase, the game will be open for testing for a while 😄

Finally, as always, the Roadmap has been updated this month with the current state of the game and updated expectations around timelines.

That's all for today, Travellers. I hope you're all getting as excited about this game as I am, as it's really starting to move quite quickly now, and I suspect in a couple of months we'll be talking about colonising various celestial bodies and true empire building.

Until next time, adios!

Kirk Bushell

Published 2 months ago

