
❕It's quite hard to determine a launch date,

Latest Post Infoslate #9 - June update by Kirk Bushell public
It's quite hard to determine a launch date, as every step taken in the game's development presents new technical challenges, highlights my own ignorance, and corrects me on previous assumptions.

This roadmap therefore can only be used as a semi-accurate prediction of milestones a few months out. Any more than that becomes wishful thinking - and likely to be wrong. That said, this page will be updated regularly as objectives are completed, or development priorities change.

It'll take some time before I can setup a nice image that reflects the roadmap, so for now - text will have to do 😄

  1. Player authentication, galaxy seeding and management - 98%
    Almost finished, just needs a final pass through the aesthetics council ;)
  2. Infrastructure management - 75%
    Managing your colony's infrastructure is the first step players take in the game, constructing their Manufactory. Thus, it makes sense that this is the first major set of features to be completed. Hexmap is completed along with structure placement. Only piece left is the Timewarp engine (which is a big piece, but also powers the rest of the game. Aiming for end of July.
  3. Research & technology
    Not long after players begin building megastructures, they'll be able to research technology that unlocks various features. Slated for end of August.
  4. Spacecraft production
    Before players can enter the second Era for their empires, they have to build spacecraft, which leads to colonisation craft. As a result, the structures responsible for that feature, need to be fleshed out and coded in. Expecting to start this mid-late September, 2024.
  5. Celestial body colonisation - 20%
    Technically, the underlying architecture for this is already done - but spacecraft production, and mission architecture needs to be built before it can "work". Currently expecting this to be done by end of year.

That's it so far! Be sure to check out this page every so often to see how we're progressing!